Dror Hen Financial Planner

About Us

My team and I are committed to providing you with the most fits investment opportunities to your personality and the type of investor that you are. We look forward to partner with you. Dror Hen 

About Dror.
Dror was born and raised in Israel. He served in the Israeli's Air Force and discharged with honor. He started an advertisement office which served small and medium businesses. In 1992, he graduated international trading studies in London. He practiced international trading until 2000. Then he emigrated to the US and he lives since.

Dror started his trading career at Jan of 2003. He started with position trading of mini grains futures with Man Financial Chicago as his broker. Back then, he was supposed to pick up the phone in order to place buy or sell orders, the old fashion way. Since he was a beginning trader, his broker, often gave him tips in order to help him floating above the water, even though it wasn't included with her services. Following her advice, Dror started day trade the e mini S&P 500. His day trading accelerated his learning curve since he traded more positions then he previously had. After about three years of trading the S&P 500,  he moved to trade the foreign currency (Forex) and this is what he has been trading since then.

Dror's trading career provides him with the experience necessary to correctly evaluate any investment instrument which he encounters. Unlike other financial advisers who recommend instruments without actually ever traded themselves. Being a trader for more than a decade qualifies him to well determine any instrument potential risk and not only having the idea which instrument is riskier as other advisors. Furthermore, since the performance of any instrument changes within time, there is no substitute to his experience as a trader to determine if the instrument still worth inverting This valuable trading experience plays for your favor when you choose him to manage your hard-earned money.  Dror treats every client in a friendly manner and with his typical integrity.

In his spare time, Dror enjoys Photography, Tennis, and chess.

Following is the introduction of Dror’s book Becoming a successful trader. A digital copy (Google doc format) of the complete book is available for only $19.99. This copy is updated occasionally. So, you are to expect a possible new version in your reading. To purchase access, please contact me via the contact page on this site. thanks.  


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