Dror Hen Financial Planner


Updated on July 10, 2019

Dear valued Investor. 

1. Investors who started with me in October 2017 had their fund managed in my black ninjas’ portfolio which I ran in my AAAFX forex trading account which was linked to ZuluTrade platform. This European broker discontinued working with American clients due to American regulations. My account with them closed in March 2018 so my investors’ balance remained still since then. I continue managing and developing the same portfolio without investors fund in order to improve my return to risk ratio. Even though I currently cannot trade this platform from the US, I can still manage a non-US investor's account. Fortunately,  I have recently notified that ZuluTrade might have been resuming trading with US clients. In that case, I will resume trading as before. I will inform you here when it became possible. 

2. I currently have been managing five ninjas portfolios in order to develop my return to risk ratio.  When I will start managing a ninja portfolio for an investor, I'll drop one of these accounts, so I'll continue to manage five. It's important how many portfolios I run because the more I simultaneously manage the harder it becomes to keep the quality of the decisions. I glad to realize that I've become quite comfortable with managing the five.

3  I have been developing another high return investment instrument. Once it'll be ready it'll be available for US clients with a simple deposit.

Thanks, Dror Hen

Today, I offer two ways of investments. Fixed return investment and the black ninjas’ portfolio investment. In addition, I've been developing an options trading which might be available for investment soon.

1.Fixed return investment
With a fixed return, you take no downside risk and enjoys a return of 6% a year which it is more than double than the best bank’s CD's return up to date. Please consider the present banks’ CDs' return at https://www.bankrate.com/cd.aspx In fixed return, I take your money and invest it in higher low-risk investment instruments, so, I’m able to generate a greater return than the 6% which leaves me a  margin which I keep. In this type of investment II observe any possible downside in my portfolio while I keep providing you with the fixed return as agreed, at all times. Banks do the same with their CDs funds but they don't pay their investors as much as I do. Please keep in mind, withdrawal of fixed return investment will take approximately 5 business days which is about the time necessary to transfer funds from my broker to my bank and to you. In this investment, I accept up to $10,000 per person immediately and we might increase the amount as develop our relationships over time

2. The black ninjas’ portfolio investment
The ninjas’ portfolio is actually a trading room where I choose about 10 to 12 traders (which I call ninjas) from over 10,000 traders and link them with my account. Each of these traders opens and manages forex trades in his own account. Selective trades from their accounts are simultaneously opened in my account and become my trades. These trades form the portfolio. I access my portfolio multiple times during the day and verify that each of these traders consistent with my predetermined trading parameters until they are closed. In these visits, I manage the traders as well and change other trading parameters as necessary. 

With the ninjas’ portfolio, you take the downside risk and enjoy a greater potential return on investment (ROI). The expected monthly return (EMR) is based on my most recent past performance. My EMR changes with time because it calculates a new performance as time goes by. 

I can manage the same portfolio (or, trading the same account)  in three risk levels: high risk - the black, moderate risk - the red, and mild risk- the white. The higher the risk the greater the EMR. The word ninjas’ describes the type of the portfolio (the style of the trading) and the colors concern the level of the risk. The trading results which I publish here refer to the black ninjas’ portfolio, which is the most aggressive. The risk and the return of the red ninjas’ are 50% of the black and the white are 50% of the red. In the month in which the black ninjas’ did 20%, for example, the red did 10% and the while did 5%. 

In order to invest in this portfolio, you, or your company, have to be able to open a non-US forex trading account.

3. US Stocks options trading’ portfolio
Upcoming My US Stocks options trading is under development investment instrument which will be available to US residents with a simple direct deposit. The EMR (expected monthly return) of this instrument has not yet been established. But I expect it to outperform my black ninjas’ performance.

General information and agreement. 

1. Opening your independent trading account

In case you are interested in the black ninjas’ portfolio, you or your company, have to open, out of the US a forex trading account. For this purpose, I'll provide you with a list of qualified brokers to choose from. After funding your account you should require your broker to link your account to ZuluTrade platform which is where I manage my portfolio. You are to pass me your username and password to allow me to create and manage your account. 

Independent trading account will soon be available for US clients. I'll publish here once it became so. But meanwhile, if you are interested with the black ninjas' portfolio, please concern opening a non-US account as above described.

2.. Where is your money?
The money which you have deposited into your account remains in your control at all times. Due to anti-money laundry policy, brokers don't allow withdrawal of funds to a different account other than the one which the money originally was deposited from. So, even I can access your account I can't withdraw from it my account management fees. You are able to log in to your account 24/7 and monitor the activities. You can see your balance, your open positions, and your past performance. You agree not to make any change to open positions, nor open any position even if you are an experienced trader.

3. Return on investment. (ROI)
The Black Ninjas portfolio is relatively an aggressive trading approach. Which I control through my risk management. So the account can lose money as fast as it can earn it. If the account loses about 50% of its balance during the trading month (which is rare) I most likely will stop the trading for the month. That means, even though it's an aggressive portfolio the maximum potential loss in one trading month won't likely to exceed 50%. I trade the black ninjas portfolio aggressively because I aim to high monthly return. I determine my portfolio expected monthly return (EMR) as the average of the most recent 6 months or 6 trading cycles. So, my EMR is adjusted on constant bases according to the upcoming trading results. In times my EMR drops below 10%, I pause trading for evaluation and resume it after I re-establish sufficient EMR. I occasionally publish here my performance. Please refer to the updated date at the top of this document.

The black ninjas’ ending trading cycles dates, and their ROI as follow:

Archive: 1.Dec 17. 2018.ROI  39%.  

Most recent 12 trading cycles for the purpose of the calculation of the average return: .Jan 16. 2019  ROI 68% Feb 4. ROI 49% Match 20. ROI (-59%). April 10. ROI 33%. May 15. ROI (-27%). June 1- ROI 11%. June 3 ROI 11%.  June 13 ROI 18%. June 18 ROI (-4%). June 26 - ROI 0%. July 3 - ROI 17%. July 9 - ROI 25%. 

My average return on investment is 12% per month. 

My current expected monthly return is 11%. 

Please note that the IRO split between you and me. So, 50% of the above value is yours.

4. Maximum invested fund
Since May 2019 my platform " ZuluTrade" can trade up to 999 standards. So, today I can easily trade a million-dollar account and behind. However, I prefer to build up your account over time in order to give both of us the time to build up a strong productive working relationship.

5. Withdrawals of funds.
You can withdraw from your account any fund you wish at any time. However, you have to coordinate your upcoming withdrawal with me since a sudden drop of account balance might trigger a margin call and arbitrarily closing of open positions which might cause damage to the account. You are to let me know how much money you want to withdraw, I will prepare your account for withdrawal and will inform you (it might take a week or two). After the withdrawal, I'm to calculate a new position size considering the new account balance and resume trading.

6. Management fee calculation.
I charge an account management fees only in the months which the portfolio makes a profit. My fee is 50% of the ROI. For example, In a month that the portfolio did ROI of 30%, each one of us made 15%. In a month that the account balance dropped, I don't charge a fee. I'll resume charging my fees only after the account fully recovered and shows again positive ROI. 

7. Management fee payment.
I bill you monthly and you committed to clear it in five business days, perfectly via PayPal.

8. PayPal.
Please note, PayPal charges the sender a fee which you and I will share. So, you are welcome to deduct half of this fee from my invoice. My PayPal account is dror_hen@yahoo.com  link of my PayPal account is placed in this site.

9. My book Becoming a successful trader.
Eventually, my first trading book is completed. This book is a guide for a beginning trader and concerns trader psychology. But it contains valuable information which will help you to become a better investor, as well as, to know better about my trading career. You can purchase a digital copy of this book for $19.99. You can purchase your access for life via the PayPal link on this site. In case you are already my investor, you are entitled to a free copy. Please request your copy, thanks.

10. Agreement.

These terms are my commitment to you and your commitment to me. I suggest that you will copy this page which you can use to your reference. I update this page occasionally, so as my active investor, you are committed to revisit this page at least once a month and let me know immediately in case you have any concern with the changes. Otherwise, you and I will be committed to the most recent terms as published here. In case you like adding terms to this agreement please advise me and if it's agreeable I'll include it in the upcoming publication, thank you.

One of the reasons I entered into this business is being able to make money to people which I'm in contact with. I sincerely hope to fulfill this hope of mine with you. Thanks a lot for your trust. 

Dror Hen

Tel: 310.613.0776

Email: main: drorhen@gmail.com                       drorhen@outlook.com

Website: drorhen.com

Definitions of the terms used in this document:

Trading cycle. - Trading activities which take place between 14-30 days. It typically made by 30 trades.

ROI   - Return on investment

Average ROI - The average of the most recent 12 trading cycles

EMR  - Expected monthly return, which is calculated as the average ROI of the most recent 5 trading cycles. I use the EMR parameter to pause my trading when it drops down and to intently a changing with my performance trend so I can evaluate my present trading.

Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose.

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